10 Developmental Benefits of Teaching Kids Tennis

There are many benefits to teaching your child about tennis, and there are even more developmental benefits for when they start to play. Below we detail the ten most important ones.

  1. Tennis develops their hand-eye coordination 
    Tennis is one of the best sports for developing hand-eye coordination. Many racquets’ sports offer this benefit, but tennis has the added incentive of a ball to hit. Tennis will improve your child’s hand-eye coordination for other sports and introduce them to an amazing form of exercise in which they will use their hands and eyes a lot.
  2. Tennis builds teamwork skills
    Tennis is a team sport, no matter how you look at it. When pitching for the game, it takes a minimum of four people to play. When out there, your child will have the team mentality instilled in them as they learn to rely on their doubles partner, coach, etc.
  3. Tennis is an excellent exercise
    Tennis is a great form of cardio that keeps your child’s heart healthy and happy. Tennis is one of the few sports that encompasses your entire body, which means they’re getting what can sometimes be referred to as a “total body workout.” Because tennis only requires one racquet, it is easy to play right in your backyard!
  4. Tennis builds confidence
    When your child starts playing tennis, they will quickly gain confidence. They may not be winning every point or even winning the game, but as they develop their skills, you will see a huge change in your child’s confidence.
  5. Tennis builds commitment
    Tennis improves mental fortitude. It teaches your child that they need to put their mind to it and commit fully to succeed. Tennis is not a sport you can just pick up, play around with and then put down. It takes a lot of commitment to get better at tennis, so it is such an excellent sport for building confidence and commitment.
  6. Tennis increases discipline
    Tennis depends on discipline to keep players committed and working towards the goal. There are many lessons that come along with learning tennis, but discipline is important for tennis players to achieve success.
  7. Tennis builds a strong work ethic                         

    When playing tennis, your child will have to learn the rule of ‘no pain, no gain’ because you can’t get better at tennis unless you put in the hard work. Tennis will teach your child to persevere through tough times and stick with it until they are the best they can be. 

  8. Tennis teaches kids healthy competition
    Tennis is a great sport to teach your child about healthy competition because it is a team sport, but it also allows them to see the benefit of being a good sportsman. There is no reason for your child to be rude or aggressive when kicking butt in the game of
    tennis. The key is not necessarily how hard you compete, but rather if you win or lose it is how you handle yourself as a person that really matters.
  9. Tennis builds strong arms and legs
    Tennis is such an amazing sport for working your child’s arms and legs because it requires them to use their entire body when hitting the ball, but also while running around and chasing shots. To play tennis well, you need to be in good physical shape and have strong arms and legs. By playing sports like tennis, your child will quickly see the benefit of working out.
  10. Tennis teaches patience
    Tennis is a game that takes time to learn, but patience is important to make sure your child does not give up and push themselves forward. Tennis teaches your kids the value of hard work and how it can really pay off if you stick with it. No matter where your child is from, tennis is a great sport to teach them lessons that they can take with them through their lifetime. They’ll have some great skills to use for life!

Written by :

Ty Lynch

Ty Lynch

Coach of Fort Bend Top Spin Tennis Academy

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